Marketplace Advertising

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Do you know how Google advertising works? Great. But now you have entered the field of marketplaces, and things are slightly different here. However, once you have mastered this, success is a given. The only question is: how?

It’s a given that advertising leads to more visibility, which also applies to marketplaces. It boosts your sales, strengthens organic findability, and increases the number of reviews. And even though sponsored ads are seemingly similar to Google, some differences require a specialized approach.

Amazon, in particular, has some complicated challenges. For example, ads and SEO are inextricably linked; one does not work without the other. In addition, the data you retrieve from ads provides valuable information for setting up SEO, while decent SEO boosts your advertising results. Finally, add a proper brand store to the mix, and you have a successful formula.

So, whether or not you succeed on a marketplace like Amazon depends on the combined use of SEA, SEO, and your brand store. To know if you’re doing a good job is to know your data. The Amazon Demand Slide Platform (DSP) enables customer data to be analyzed in real-time. Only then the right messages are shown to the right target group at the correct times using programmatic advertising.

The big picture
At VNDR. we know exactly how to coordinate each part of the sales funnel to achieve a profitable business. And not just for marketplaces. We are also specialists in digital marketing; we understand that marketplaces are just a part of your marketing strategy. That’s why we ensure it fits your current plans seamlessly.

Moreover, we think ahead. We want to make sure you always know which trends to capitalize on. With marketplace advertising, you never miss a crucial moment, and you give your business a considerable upgrade, provided you do it right, of course.


Advertising will undoubtedly boost your business and increase sales. But that’s not the only reason to consider marketplace advertising:

  • Increased visibility
  • Stronger brand awareness
  • Understanding keywords for SEO purposes
  • Smart programmatic retargeting that you don’t have to worry about

Why VNDR.?

We don’t blindly focus on specific parts as if they were islands. When it comes to marketplaces, marketing is coherent and connected. That’s why we don’t just offer you one piece of the puzzle and leave you to it. Instead, we help you piece it all together. And that’s pretty important if you want to be successful on marketplaces.

  • Sponsored advertising
  • Amazon certified specialists
  • Advertisements on Amazon &
  • Amazon Demand Slide Platform (DSP)
  • Retail marketing & conversion promoting elements
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Sponsored Advertising
Programmatic Advertising (DSP)
Product Launch
Retail Marketing

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Tim Schweig
Marketplace Specialist

Seeing is believing: Case studies

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Boombrush x VNDR.
Vacu Vin x VNDR.

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Make marketplaces part of your marketing strategy and discover how fast your business can grow. Wondering how we can help you? Then, feel free to contact one of our specialists via the contact form/mail/phone/app.

We are happy to help you!